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Tokyo Grand Guignol
Long métrage
Un baiser et ... à la nuit tombée, d'étranges histoires surgissent dans la capitale nippone...
Voir les vidéos, trailer et bande annonce du film

Long feature
How do you fight a country that doesn't exist ?

Co writers & directors with Jean MACH
Soundtrack Composer (more informations)
Storyboarder (more informations)

100 Précédents
Genre : Anticipation/Comedu - Short feature : 29 mn
Cast : Julien Urrutia Fred Noguer Lou Chauvain

Director & Writer
Soundtrack composer (more informations)
Editor – Storyboarder - Art Department - Special Effects
In an improbabe future, each one of us is the reincarnation of a person who priviously existed. After examination, Michalon finds out he is no-one reincarnation. He is original, he is "unique".
Jury award : Paris Image'in 2006 - Cabestany - Lussac
Jury's special prize : Soirée projection du court - Montpellier
Watch the movie

Avis de tempête
Genre : Fantasy Action - Short feature : 7 mn
cast : Christophe Guybet - Jean-Marie Winling

Production : Gulliver Productions
director & Writer Soundtrack Composer (more informations)
Storyboarder (more informations)
Art Department Scenograph
An unscrupulous industrial sees all the cataclysms on earth happening in his own house.
Broadcast : France – Swiss – Belgium – Canadian free air tv, Cable and Satellite : ARTE - Cinestar - Cineculte - Cinextreme
Helium Killer
(Short feature : 15 mn)
Fantastic Fiction

Director & Writer
Soundtrack Composer
Photography (DoP) Sound & Sound Mix
Storyboarder - Art Department - Special effetcs

Public Award: Soirée RDV Paris
Forgotten King Kong
(Short feature: 9mn)
Fiction Parody

Co-director & Co-writer with Yann MOREAU
Monteur - Son & Mixage - Art Department - Effets Spéciaux
Since the Cinema Industry doesn't need him anymore, King Kong is unemployed, but he is still persuaded of being a star.
Jury's Award : Ose ce court Bischheim Puls'vision
 Public Prize: Paris 2004
Projections rencontres Autour du court Montpellier
Brodcast : Canal +
Pompes Funèbres
(Genre : Fiction - Short feature : 4mn)
Cast: Camil Cressoles

Director & wrinter Soundtrack composer
Photography (DoP) Sound & Sound Mix
Art Department - Special effects
A salewoman is under pressure with weird customers.
Public Award : Projections rencontres Montpellier 2001

We dont’care
Cold War
More: details and clip

Another song
Electric Octopus Orchestra